Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Find Your Faith

Today, Chof-Alef Elul, has a Hayom Yom I find to be very special:

“Our first Father, Avraham, as a result of his Avodah with self-sacrifice to make G-d, the One G-d, widely known among all mankind, merited to bequeath to his descendants (to the end of all generations) pure faith in G-d and His Torah.

Hence every Jewish man and woman has the power and fortitude to offer his life for the holy Torah.”

What does this mean practically?

Starting with Avraham Avinu and then continuing with the rest of the Avos, we see a life lived with complete selflessness. They literally gave over every ounce of their being to serve Hashem and fulfill that which he asked of us to do. In living such an altruistic lifestyle we merited to have automatically instilled in us this amazing Emunah in Hashem and His Torah. It’s there inside us just waiting to be unearthed.

So whenever you’re feeling confused with Hashem and His ways, or having doubts, take a minute to tap deep inside yourself and re-discover those feelings and beliefs of complete faith. They are there inside each and every one of us just begging to come out!

On an even deeper level, why was it that we merited this faith? Because of Avraham’s mission to spread the name of Hashem to all mankind. What an important lesson for us in our daily lives. Wherever we may find ourselves, we must be conscious of our mission to spread the name of Hashem. Whether is be by going out on actual Shlichus or Mivtzoim or through dressing the right way, talking in a nice manner etc., we must never forget who we are and what we hold inside of us.

Realize and understand the incredible powers we possess and use them to the fullest, positive extent!

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