Monday, August 1, 2011

Find Your Balance

The following is today’s Hayom Yom:

“The unique quality of Moshiach is that he will be humble. Though he will be the ultimate in greatness, for he will teach Torah to the Avos and to Moshe Rabeinu, still he will be the ultimate in humility and self-nullification, for he will also teach simple folk.”

I feel this Hayom Yom can teach us a very valuable lesson in our daily Avodah.

On one hand it is of the utmost importance to realize how special and important we are. Like it says “Kol Eched V’Eched Chayav Lomar Bishvili Nivrah Ha’Olam (Sanhedrin 37)” Each and every person must take to heart that the world was especially made just for him as he is. Every human being is a world to himself/herself, and is a central part of the universe.
We need to truly believe this and incorporate it into our daily lives.

On the other hand, it is equally important to have humility and to dwell on the greatness of Hashem and how small we are in comparison.
Not to G-d forbid makes us feel bad about ourselves but to help gain a better and clearer understanding of how Hashem runs the world.
Knowing how limited we are in comparison to an unlimited, encompassing force can help us get through hard times when we question what we see happening.

Maintaining such a balance is not easy but is extremely vital in our service of Hashem.

Take ten/fifteen minutes tomorrow when you wake up and think about it.
Next time you’re feeling like you don’t matter or are just one of millions; remember Hashem created this world for YOU.
Next time you’re faced with an obstacle and get frustrated that you can’t understand it, remember that Hashem knows all and there is a far bigger picture out there.

To end with a small quote from Hillel: “One who seeks fame loses his name; one who fails to increase [his knowledge] decreases it; one who does not study Torah deserves death; and one who misuses the crown [of Torah] will wither.”

Find your balance.

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