Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The King is in the Field

We have just arrived at the month of Elul and we all know what a significant month this is. 
Since we were little kids in school we have always associated this month with the famous analogy of “HaMelech Basudeh, the King in the Field.” 
Thinking about the concept can seem a little confusing;this idea of Hashem somehow being more present than before. How could it be that something as basic as G-d's presence has "strong" times and not so strong times?

Hashem is indeed always present; but Hashem is also beyond our reach, because our physical bodies and material lifestyles distance us from G-dly experiences.

It is easy for Him to see us from on high, but it is difficult for us to approach that stage. If we want to experience G-dliness we need to undertake numerous demanding tasks in order to access spirituality.

In Elul, however, G-d makes Himself accessible for all. It is as if He is walking amongst the crowd. Even if your track record of behavior has not been up to par, even if your actions do not make you deserving of an audience with G-d, G-d grants it to you anyway.

There is one catch: although spirituality and G-dliness is more attainable and tangible in this month, you still need to approach it. So take advantage of this opportunity! Speak to Hashem with an open heart during this month, take an extra moment to connect with Him through His commandments; there are no security guards to check your spiritual ID, and there are no ushers to examine your ticket of good deeds; all ordinary procedures are set aside.

And that's what makes this month extraordinary!

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