Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Confronting Confrontation

We all have our fears.

There are the usual physical fears.
Fear of heights, rodents, spiders, small spaces.

There are some unusual physical fears.
Fear of clowns, long words, flowers.

Then there are non tangible fears.
Fear of the unknown, fear of change, commitment, imperfection.

One of my biggest fears I think is my fear of confrontation.

I like to avoid conflict at all costs.
I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong; in fact I’ll be more than happy to admit defeat when arguing with a stubborn person if it means I won't have to confront them.

When it comes to asking someone for a favor, calling someone out on something, or even standing up for myself, I constantly struggle.

Although “fears” are not necessarily a positive thing, the feeling you get when overcoming one is incredible. I got to experience this sentiment yesterday.
There was somebody whom I needed to confront about something. I needed to ask something of them and this something was not such a simple thing.
To say that I was panicking and literally having anxiety the days, hours, minutes, and then seconds leading up to the meeting would be an understatement!

How did I end up pushing myself to do it?
How did I actually go ahead and ask what I needed to when my heart was pounding, brow sweating, and every ounce of my being telling me to just turn around and run?
Turned out to be fairly simple.
I just didn’t allow myself to think about it.
I told those voices in my head to just shush, I ignored that clamoring going on in the left side of my chest cavity, and just pushed myself forward without looking back.
Proved to be extremely efficient and all in all everything couldn’t have worked out better.
I was so proud of myself.
Happier than my actual accomplishment of attaining that which I asked for, I was so happy that I had overcome one of my biggest fears.

Now I know what you’re thinking.
That what I’m saying has that familiar ring to it of sounding a whole lot easier then it actually is.
But that’s false.
What a lot of people don’t realize is that more often then not, the only one who stands in their way of doing what they need to, or accomplishing that which they are capable of accomplishing, is themselves. This brings to mind a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson (brilliant man btw) “Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.”
The human mind loves nothing more than to ration and justify. Sometimes all it needs is you to step in and seize control over it.

FDR said in his opening inaugural statement, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Don’t let your fears hinder you.
Choose one thing. Something you dread or that causes you to step a bit out of your comfort zone and show yourself you can do it.
Trust me, the rewarding feeling after makes it all worth it!

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