Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kol Yisroel Aravim Ze'Lazeh

As I’m sure everyone knows Klal Yisroel was unfortunately hit with yet another tragedy. 
Leiby Kletzky, a mere nine year old boy was kidnapped and mercilessly murdered. 
While we‘re all filled with grief and sorrow over this misfortune, there is something positive to look at.
Kol Yisroel Aravim Ze’Lazeh.
The unbelievable unity and Achdus that the Jewish community has showed from the minute Leiby went missing and continuing on right now is astounding. Be it helping with the actual searching, to helping out financially, saying Tehillim, being of emotional support etc. the coming together of the Jewish people was really something admirable. The Ahavas Yisroel that was shown really touched me.
May we be Zoche to the coming of Moshiach speedily where Leiby and all those we have lost will be reunited with us. 

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