Monday, July 11, 2011

In Memory of Chana

Hi there!

So it's been some time since I posted, not because I've been slacking but because I was lucky and privileged enough to spend the last ten days in CALIFORNIA...woooohooo! To say that I had the most unbelievably incredible time would be an understatement; all those who would like more deets on my trip feel free to give me a ring!

I want to dedicate my post today to Chana Raskin A”H. Today marks the third Yartzheit of her untimely passing. I did not know Chana personally but I have read and heard many beautiful, touching stories about what an exemplary woman she was.

The following was written on COLlive to honor Chana:

 Chana was a Kallah and a newlywed when she faced her life's toughest challenge. Chana will forever be remembered as a Kallah Na'ah Va'Chassuda – a bride of beauty, grace, and modesty. 

What better way to preserve Chana's memory, than by extending her special touch to other Kallahs as they experience this most important moment of their lives?

In Chana's honor, a luxurious new bridal suite is being built and dedicated at the Crown Heights Mikvah. After months of planning, construction has finally begun on the new bridal suite, which will be ready in the near future.

Chana's friends are asking those who wish to honor Chana's memory to become a partner in beautifying the Mitzvah of Taharas HaMishpacha in the Rebbe's neighborhood. By contributing to this endeavor, you will enable us to strengthen this essential foundation of our nation and our community. 

Bezras Hashem we will make every Kallah entering the Chana (Raskin) Wolvovsky Bridal Suite feel like a true princess, as she merits to embark on her new life, amidst elegance, luxury and majesty. We will (bli neder) proudly present every Kallah with a unique Kallah gift with Chana’s Touch. 

Please become a partner in this great endeavor. To contribute, go to with your help, Chana and her special touch will be forever remembered. Moshiach Now!

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