Friday, July 22, 2011

Why Me?

Fridays I usually like to do a little thought on the Parsha. Today though I’d like to focus on this week’s Haftorah.
The Haftorah this week is the first of a series of three “Haftoros of affliction.” These three Haftoros are read during the three weeks between Sheva Aser B’Tammuz and Tisha B’Av.

In this week’s Hafotrah we read all about the story of a very famous Navi, Yirmiyahu. Yirmiyahu first describes how Hashem appointed him as prophet.
Initially he was very reluctant to accept such a task. The times they were living in then were very bad. These were the days approaching the destruction of the first Bais HaMikdosh and the Yidden were very lost then.
They were turning to Avodah Zara, believing in false Moshiachs etc.
He then goes on to say that Hashem offered him words of encouragement to fulfill this crucial mission. Ultimately Yirmiyahu of course takes on this critical undertaking and ends up leading and guiding the Yidden through one of the most trying of eras.

Sometimes we are faced with “missions,” seeming obstacles and can’t help but think to ourselves “I didn’t ask to do this…” “Why’s Hashem choosing me…?” But there is a reason why YOU were chosen for this.
Because you, and only YOU are capable of fulfilling whatever it is that Hashem has thrown your way. G-d dsn’t just hand out missions at random and I’m a firm believer in that.

So next time you’re faced with something and can’t help feeling like you didn’t exactly sign up for that remember that it is nothing short of a honor and privilege that you were chosen and use whatever talents and capabilities you possess to fulfill it to the upmost.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

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