Friday, June 24, 2011

All Equal? No. All Important? Yes!

In this week's Parsha we see yet another troubling story. 
The story of Korach. 
One of the main things that upset Korach and caused his rebelling against Moshe and ultimately him being swallowed into the ground was his misunderstanding of role play. He was upset at Moshe, that he was a "leader" when he felt like we should all be equal. What he failed to see is that the beauty of Yiddishkrit lies in our system of role play. What makes it "work" is precisely because we are NOT all equal. We are all unique individuals each with out own unique specific mission. Whether your mission is to be Kohen Gadol or the farmer that gives his Bikkurim to the Kohen you are just as important. One can not fulfill his mission without the other. This was Korach's misunderstanding. 
Each and every one of us can help repent for Korach's sin by recognizing and utilizing to the fullest our mission. Never, ever feel as though you are not important or just one of a million because Hashem has given YOU a specifically designed mission that no one but yourself can accomplish. Remember that!
Shabbat Shalom :)

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