Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Power of Music

Music is the pen of the soul.
Music is what feeling sounds like.
Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.
Music expresses that which cannot be put into in words, and cannot remain silent.
Music is the universal language of mankind.

Music is a whole lot more than a good rhythm. Music is a whole language. A whole world.
Music has the power to reach into your soul and grip it so tight.
When releasing its hold, you feel emotions you didn't even know you possessed.
The intricate compilation of notes and then the instrumentals that carry it out have a way of really touching us very deeply.

I saw first hand the potency of music last night.
A close friend of mine recently got married and another one of our friends hosted a Sheva Brochos for her at her house. We were all having a wonderful time there. There was great food, drinks, company when in walked in about three or four Heimishe guys carrying various instruments. Not sure if they were hired for the event or maybe friends of the Chosson I just sat and watched to see what would happen. They began to play and sing and slowly all the males at the meal got up and began to dance. At the center of them stood my friend’s (who hosted the event) father. He had a smile from ear to ear as he clapped and danced along with the guys.
Watching the scene I couldn’t help but smile and almost wish I could join in. The energy these guys brought into the house was amazing.
I was kind of curious though. Where did these guys come from?
A few minutes later my friend walked in and explained.
Her father has been going through dialysis. This group of guys came to visit every so often and would play and sing for him which brought him lots of joy. He has been suffering with a kidney disease for a few years now and had just been told some promising news. This group of guys, having no idea there was even a Sheva Brochos going on, came over to celebrate.
I turned to watch and was filled with such an immense joy and happiness.
Happy for my newly wedded friend.
Happy for this incredible news.
And most importantly happy that Hashem put such people in this world. Such guys who with their talent for music and love for another Yid came and strongly impacted so many people.

I want to take this time to give a big Refuah Sheleimah to Reuven Leib Ben Sheindel Tzivia Yocheved, he should have a full, speedy and healthy recovery!!!

Here are a couple pictures I took (not very clear unfortunately) as well as I took on my blackberry a few second video clip and uploaded it privately to YouTube, the link for that is here: 

I personally love to have background music to listen to at work. Two great Jewish music stations to listen to are  and as well as has an entire audio section with a great selection of music and Niggunim to listen to.

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