Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Surrender

Today's Tanya talks about the famous concept of all that Hashem created being created from nothing. This concept as explained is not one our limited minds can actually grasp. What we can however grasp and mediate on is the concept of just how impressive G-d really is. Thinking about and truly delving into it can really leave one feeling humbled and awed by Hashem's greatness. Feeling such feelings of humility can really make or break one's day. When trivial obstacles come your way and you want to throw your hands up in despair think about that greatness and just surrender. Realize that if He could create something from absolute nothingness than surely He's got some sort of bigger plan going on for you.

I found this particular sentence to be a good one to read and reflect on:

ואף שבאמת אינו דבר בפני עצמו, אלא כמו התפשטות האור מהשמש

Although, in reality, [the created being] has no independent existence, and is only like the diffusion of the light from the sun,

Just as the sun’s rays are merely a diffusion from the sun, so, too, all of creation is but a diffusion of G‑d’s activating force. Since, however, created beings are continuously found within their source (unlike the sun’s rays which do leave their source), their Divine source should cause them to be completely nullified within it, just as the light of the sun is in a state of complete nullification when found within the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm moved to tears. This is absolutely beautiful, and definitely a major Nachas to all of us and especially Zaidy! Keep up the good work and may you be gebentched with revealed good ONLY!
    Happy late B-day, may you have many very happy and healthy B-days to come!
    Chaya D.
